

Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1995) speaks of a ’noosphere’, that a layer like tarpaulin may canvas the contemporaneous Earth as collapsed bricks of Babel, purely from the imports of ‘reason’ of man. That archaeologically, the layers that first set their station onto our beloved yet oft denigrated Earth had their successors entirely natural; of laws natural did ape derive from crustacean as Lamarck cheered. By that process, fate was of necessity rather than a justification after the matter. Terrestrial firmaments emerged to the very office of a plan. If an ice age had come impenetrable; or sky emblazoned crimson; this thus had been for just decree. Yet now, none of the natural layers which our noosphere crushes in its witch trial resembles its repressor (or depresser, if thou wills it).

Since the Enlightenment yet, excessive importance has been put to man. Everything beyond him is seen but corollaries dismissable; and what isn’t him, is a spook charioted like a hobby-horse by his psychology.

In fact if these corollaries are attainable, they may be digested only once man has given his very own consent, to be digested rather than to exist for itself.

A very fashionable conditional yet absolute solipsism is thus necessitated: “I know of this, allow it to be; I am not certain of the other, it perishes.”

Reason as understood by man is thus put above all; assumed (or made positive) to apotheosis.

Now the plan that pulls the rein of time is still fate, yet no longer does it drive itself alone by its own personable will; for man and his iniquity is the one flagellating it to work. And the pay given is the utmost form of recognition, the poor scored horse is made the reason of the trip. In other words, the horse of reason is both the means, and the end.

Christ bears many aliases, yet His first was ‘Logos’, and it was by the worship of this name did the heathens of Athens not only redeem themselves but were justified for their ignorance. The reason which we see now is not but a misdirected Good, but a confection purely of man.

How may flesh and truth ever be reconciled? Are eunuchs not better trusted to administer for a good reason?

The whole field of psychoanalysis which does so dominate is but a man-serving daemon. The motto of this new reason can be writ, “From man, by man, for him!” While giddy scientists see themselves as servants of ‘reason’, it is apt to see their iteration of reason serving them.

If immense wickedness tempts man, it is warranted in his biology; thus the action may follow. The casus belli is forged, derived in just war. How distant now is the principle of temperance!

Man as tyrant furnishes his cobble: of cities; institutions; and ways are made in his image, vices included. Faith itself is instituted by man. In the church of Rome (one of the seats of man), God is reasoned.

There is much joy indeed in institution for man, it is in this glee did the desire for the kingdom of God turn to the bureaucracy of man. A distraction of course must come for every toil, yet it develops in the form of institution. The interweb congenially adopted the vices driving its creator. And as much as some sages will claim the rampant wickedness is a recency, immediately did digital brothels supersede Usenet groups. Even omitting licentious obscenity, the basing of a man-made world to layer our legitimate realm is an offense (or abomination).

The development of the interweb was noble; it is not for us to be idle and dumb to action. Yea, His own ambition did he gift us with. Appending, it is oft that this system is for good, yet a chasm is the gap of redemption ’twixt its goodliness and wickedness. For every work laudable, twice an evil is made here. For one, the penitence for the abomination related is quite unfeasible.

How are we to repent for every child that chooses to prefer this illusion to the gift of life? For this ungratefulness, each shall think, create and do for it was this very regimen that He followed. Thus, this is what I seek to do; I have faith that before encountering this site, you did the same.

Idleness is wickedness, it is to be ungrateful!