Carmen Curialis

By Nirina Mignon

Amidst the darling of my youth,

Wholly wilted o’er by that gale–

That impetuous and petulant hail,

Which had not been coeternal,

Nor consanguine with the stately Four;

But is as a petty rogue, who roves

With a gait of vulgarity and

Seeks our sinful shades as treasure troves,

And consummates our union with Hades,

That unmarked grave, made barren by Our Lord.

By an figure blest I was accosted,

In whom it seemed there was no taint of errata,

None! As if oblivious of the serpentine fall,

This perfection with her oaken headdress.

Had I halted, her hand she gave to redress;

Had I feared, her counten’nce comely

Shone th’ dissolution of my cowardice.

Now I make for my day to be one of mourn,

Ashen and sackclothed under the assail

Of manners against hurriedness,

And time lost, my carnifex!